Home Hunting: A Guide for Dog Owners

Home Hunting: A Guide for Dog Owners

The days when pet-loving homeowners had to hide their beloved furry babies are over. Research shows that 40% of U.K. homes now have pets, according to the Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association. This means pet owners have newfound clout in deciding where they want to live.

Despite this increase in potential living options, taking the time to find the right location is all-important when it comes to ensuring the happiness of everyone in your family. So here are some tips to help you separate the puppy pleasers from the grumpy growlers when it comes to looking for dog-friendly housing.

Look for the Great Outdoors

Most dogs love fresh air and sunshine, and all pups need exercise, even those who prefer lounging on the sofa to leaping over hedges. So look for an area with plenty of parklands and preferably even a dog park where your pet can roam free from a leash and meet other canines. At the very least, your new neighbourhood should have plenty of room to walk around and reasonable rules regarding the cleanup and disposal of pup poop. Consider the local climate as well because some breeds are more cold hardy than others.

Consider Local Resources

Dog owners need ready access to pet stores, veterinarians, and, ideally, reliable pet sitters. If the area you’re considering lacks these resources, then you may face some tough choices. This is a common problem for those who live in rural areas.

One way to have your dog biscuit and eat it too is to look for a community with an agricultural vet’s office. Farmers need medical assistance for their animals, which means you can find highly qualified veterinarians in some pretty remote locales. As for pet supplies, it’s possible to order these online, often with quite reasonable shipping fees.

Look for a Home With Dog-Friendly Features

There’s a reason why so many cleaning products claim to kill pet odours in carpets. Most dog owners find that a home with tile, linoleum, or laminate floors is the best choice for their needs.

Is your dog getting on in years? If so, then you may want to think twice about choosing a condominium or townhouse that requires climbing steps to the front door.

In general, large breeds like big rooms where they can stretch out and rest their tired bones. This feature is not so crucial with smaller dogs. One thing you’ll need for sure is a room that you can block off for use as a puppy timeout zone.

Ask Your Dog What They Think

Many pet owners claim to have a sixth sense where their animals are concerned. It’s certainly true that pets give off a variety of verbal and nonverbal cues that savvy folks can pick up on. In any event, it’s always a good idea to take your pooch along with you when house hunting. Watch her reactions to gauge how well she will adapt to her changed surroundings. Here are some ways to help your dog adjust to the new environment:

  • Take her on a walk through the home and stay with her as she inspects the location.
  • Give her extra love and attention, especially at first. This will help her to associate the home with pleasant feelings.
  • Let her sleep in the same bedding she used in the old home. The familiar scents will reassure her.

Following the tips in this post will help you and your dog to choose the perfect place to call home. Best of luck in your search and happy house hunting! For some tips on keeping your new house nice and clean, have a read of our blog on toilet training the ultimate guide.